Medical Ministry   (6)
The Use of Means VC
The men in positions of trust should regard the means they handle as God’s revenue, and use it in an economical manner. When there is an abundance in the treasury, they are not to invest it in adding building to building in places already provided with memorials for God. Hundreds of other places are in need of this money, that they, too, may have something established to represent the truth. All parts of the Lord’s vineyard are to be worked. (MM 165.1) MC VC
The power to use and disburse the Lord’s money is not to be left to the judgment of any one man. An account must be given for every dollar expended. God’s means is to be used at the proper times and in the right places, that it may be a blessing, and also an object lesson of how He works, in accordance with principles of equity, justice, and righteousness. (MM 165.2) MC VC
All Ye are Brethren VC
No one man is ever to set himself up as a ruler, as a lord over his fellowmen, to act out his natural impulses. No one man’s voice and influence should ever be allowed to become a controlling power. Those who oppress their fellow workers in our institutions, and who refuse to change their manner of treating helpers under their charge, should be removed. As overseers, they should have exerted a superior, refining influence for the right. Their investment with power makes it all the more necessary for them to be models of true Christianity. (MM 165.3) MC VC
I am instructed by the Lord to say that position never gives a man grace or makes him righteous. “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10. Some men entrusted with positions of responsibility entertain the idea that position is for the aggrandizement of self. Let no manager think that all minds must be subjected to his mind, that all wills must be subordinate to his will, and that all methods must be laid aside for his methods. Greater injury cannot be done to any institution than by allowing such a man to remain in his position, after proper test and trial. It is a sin against God to permit unfaithful stewards to remain in positions of trust; for the Lord’s people are liable to be misled by their unfaithfulness.— Manuscript 154, 1902. (MM 165.4) MC VC